Hello and welcome!

We’re all a work in progress and so is this website. In the meantime, press some buttons below and let’s connect and have a chat.

My name is Elisa Grace and I guide women on a journey of heart-led transformation. Through a compassionate approach, I weave together my expertise in CONSCIOUSNESS Coaching®, PSYCH-K® (subconscious reprogramming) and somatic facilitation to best serve the women I work with.

I believe that when we come back into resonance with the laws of nature, with our bodies, and take action from a soul aligned place, life begins to flow and dance with us. What often holds us back are outdated patterns and beliefs, so we must learn to process them through a regulated nervous system, creating safety in the body and trust in the guidance that flows through us

So let’s unravel the layers calling to be felt, seen, and heard, allowing you to walk through life unapologetically, embracing your most authentic self!





Current • Offerings • Current • Offerings •

Soul Session

A 90-minute online session designed to guide you back into resonance with your inner-heart and inner-truth. We will explore your world by somatically tuning into your system, then process the information received through the body, mind and spirit. This session includes PSYCH-K®, coaching and somatic facilitation.


A 3-session subconscious reprogramming journey using PSYCH-K® to transcend what no longer serves you in becoming your illuminated self. Each session is 60 minutes and held over Zoom. They are spaced intentionally, days or a week apart, allowing time to process and integrate whilst working with the momentum of change.


In this intimate 3-week online group gathering, we’ll gently explore the parts of you that are ready to emerge. We’ll connect with the wisdom of your heart and body, release stagnancy, and ILLUMINATe the path you’re being called to walk. It will interweave soul work, somatic work and subconscious work. Includes 30 min 1:1 PSYCH-K® sessions.

With Gratitude

Elisa opened up my soul!! And I don’t say that lightly. She said everything I didn’t know my soul needed. Before I met with Elisa, I was feeling this feeling of stuck-ness. Unless you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to describe. You want more, but you don’t know what it is. You know you have more, but you don’t know where to find it. You’re living your life, but you feel you’re selling yourself short.

After my session with Elisa, it was as though the haziness and heaviness lifted. I was literally high off her wisdom, and ready to be guided with all the knowledge she shared. She is wise beyond this lifetime, and I am forever grateful to have been gifted her time.
It truly felt like Elisa knew the key to open up my soul. I had the key, but Elisa showed me where it was, and now I feel like I’m flying. Finally!

Sometimes you come across people that reveal parts of you that you never knew existed. Maybe you had a sense, but you couldn’t really pinpoint it. Elisa is this person! She has a powerful (and dare I say magical) way of identifying gifts and qualities that need to be exposed for you to be in alignment with your higher self.

Andrea Haro